Absolutely! Self-guided tours like this one are one of the best ways to visit America’s national parks. Traditional guided tours are often crowded, meaning that you can struggle to see iconic park views. You also have to follow a set schedule that might not meet your needs. Action Tour Guide’s Joshua Tree National Park Tour allows you to set your own pace and learn about the park’s rich history as you travel in the comfort of your car.
The app’s GPS function automatically plays the tour’s narration at each stop, so you can take your time soaking in the scenery or even skip an attraction. Some stops have the option for you to hear more details about nearby trails and local wildlife. So no matter if you’re a person who likes learning just the barebone facts or if your curiosity is never quenched, the tour caters to you.

What to Expect on a Joshua Tree National Park Tour
Of course, you’ll get to see the park’s iconic Joshua trees, but you’ll also get the opportunity to visit some of the park’s hottest rock climbing routes! Action Tour Guide’s audio tour starts at the park’s west entrance and takes you to the historical remains of early mines and to Key’s View – a jaw-dropping overlook that gives you a good view of the park. Depending on what you want to do, there are alternative stops that you can visit in the park. This means that you can lengthen your tour or streamline it. And if nearby Palm Springs spikes your interest, there’s a small bonus tour of Palm Springs that comes with the Joshua Tree National Park tour.
So don’t wait! You can also upgrade to Action+ Unlimited Annual Subscription with 100+ tours. Use the tours as often as you like during your one-year subscription period.
Essential Travel Guide: