Bringing a Dog to Canyonlands National Park
You can bring your dog to Canyonlands National Park, although it might not be the best idea. At Canyonlands, pets are allowed only along the roads, in parking lots, and at campgrounds and picnic areas. All pets, dogs included, have to be kept on a leash whenever they’re not safely locked up in either your car or an RV. These restrictions are mostly for the sake of the wild plants and animals living in the park. Even the lingering scent of a dog on the trails can throw off the nearby wildlife and cause them to alter their behavior, affecting the overall health of the ecosystem. It might sound a little overdramatic, but life in the desert is very fragile and it’s important not to disrupt it if possible.

Canyonlands can also be a hazardous place for your dog. While there are a few predators in the park, including mountain lions and rattlesnakes, the real danger comes from the heat, especially during the summer months. Make sure you keep a close eye on your dog, give it enough water, and watch the temperature on the asphalt. Once the temperature of the air gets to be above 75 degrees or so, the asphalt can be hot enough to burn the pads of your dog’s paws. You can test the asphalt by placing your hand on it for about 10 seconds. If it’s too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for your dog’s paws. If you have a service animal like a seeing-eye dog, you can bring it on the trails with you, but exercise caution to ensure the safety of the animal.
With or without your dog, we recommend visiting Canyonlands with Action Tour Guide’s Canyonlands National Park Self-Guided Audio Tour.
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