Southern Utah is known for its scorching hot and extended summer seasons. Here, temperatures frequently reach over one hundred degrees fahrenheit! While the Grand Staircase National Monument and nearby town of Escalante have the benefit of a slightly higher altitude which serves to moderate the temperature a little, summertime can still be extremely hot and dry. Despite these sweltering summer months, Ecalante and the Grand Staircase National Monument are not spared from chilly winter weather! Believe it or not, during the winter season, temperatures in the Escalante area can frequently dip below freezing. If you visit The Grand Staircase National Monument from November until February, don’t assume that you won’t have to pay attention to the weather just because you’ve dodged the hottest months. Wintertime in Escalante can bring with it sudden and heavy rain showers, so be prepared for these abrupt deluges at any time. Although infrequent, the Escalante region is also known to see a little bit of snow in the wintertime, so be ready to encounter some chilly weather if you plan a wintertime visit to the National Monument.Â

Being prepared for the weather is one of the best ways to stay safe during a visit to a place with a harsh climate like the Grand Staircase National Monument. For this reason, spring and fall seasons are most popular for visitors, where temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold. However, if you do travel to this iconic national monument in its less forgiving months, make sure to plan ahead. In summer time, your best defense against the elements will be water and sunscreen. When camping, hiking, or backpacking, its often best to pack more water than you think you may need as in drier climates becoming dehydrated can happen before you notice it. Make sure to wear a hat and sunscreen to protect your skin along with any snacks you might want on your trip. Cold weather presents no smaller threat to dehydration than the hot weather does, so don’t underestimate it and make sure that if you visit the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument in winter you are prepared with plenty of water. As long as you are well prepared, a visit to this National Monument can serve up lifelong memories.Â