If you’re bringing your car on a Bryce Canyon tour, you’ll have to pay a $35 entrance fee to get into the park itself. That fee covers the car and all occupants inside, so as long as you can all cram yourselves into one vehicle, you can get the whole family into the park for a single fee. If you’re on a motorcycle, the fee is lowered to $30, and the fee for a visitor on foot or a bicycle is $20. Each of these fees will grant you access to the park for seven days, so you don’t have to pay again if you come back the next day. If you live nearby and you’re thinking of taking frequent trips to Bryce Canyon, you can also pick up an annual pass for $70 that covers a single vehicle and any occupants for a full year.

Bryce Canyon National Park also takes part in interagency pass programs that can be well worth it if you visit national parks and forests frequently. For $80, anybody can buy an America the Beautiful annual pass that allows access to every national park and forest in the country for a full year, including Bryce Canyon. These passes are also available for free to all military veterans and their dependents. In fact, military passes allow you to get into any national park or forest free for the rest of your life, so we highly recommend picking one up if you’re a veteran or Gold Star family member.
The free lifetime passes are also available to any American with a permanent disability, and free annual passes are available to anyone with at least 250 volunteer hours with federal agencies that participate in the program. Finally, seniors aged 62 or older can purchase yearly passes for $20 or lifetime passes for $80. If you belong to any of these groups, we recommend picking up a pass so you can visit any national park in the country for free.
Once you make it inside the park, we recommend taking our Bryce Canyon Self-Guided Driving Tour.