The famous Joshua tree actually isn’t a tree at all – it’s a yucca! Take a Joshua Tree National Park tour like this one to get the best views of this plant’s iconic Dr. Seuss-like looks. As you may have figured out, Joshua Tree National Park is one of the best places to see this unique plant!
Joshua Tree Tour
Joshua Tree National Park isn’t just one of the best places to see Joshua trees – it’s one of the only places to see them! These finicky plants need just the right conditions. It’s to the point that the Mojave, a desert in America known for its Joshua trees, is almost the only place where these plants will grow. On a Joshua Tree tour, you can see the sharp changes in the environment as you cross from the Joshua tree-studded Mojave to the cactus-riddled Colorado Desert.

Why is it Called Joshua Tree?
The famous Joshua tree got its name from Mormon travelers. As the Mormons made their way across the desert, they thought the arm-like branches of this plant looked like they were raised in prayer and encouraging the Mormons to head further west. The trees reminded the travelers of the Biblical figure Joshua since they were searching for a place to freely practice their faith.
But if you’re familiar with the Biblical Joshua, you’ll know that he famously led the Israelites into battle. There are more than a few people who think that the Joshua tree’s sharp leaves might have reminded the Mormon travelers of Joshua’s army.
Whatever you might think, if you’re interested in learning more about Joshua Tree National Park’s history, get your own personal park tour guide with a Joshua Tree audio tour.
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