Woe is the tourist that embarks on a walking tour of Central Park without understanding underestimates its size and scope. Central Park comprises 843 acres of grassy lawns, landscaped woodlands, parks, ponds, and historical landmarks. It is half a mile wide and 2.5 miles long. If you were to go from the bottom of Central Park to the top of Central Park as quickly as possible, without stopping, it would take you about an hour at a brisk walking pace. However, you’d miss out on all the things that make Central Park a destination for visitors from all around the world. Action Tour Guide’s self-guided Central Park Walking Tour takes about three hours from start to finish but can be completed at your own pace. You can even take the whole day to explore the park — you definitely won’t want to walk right through.

What not to miss in a Central Park walking tour
Many of Central Park’s attractions are interspersed throughout the park, and it can be easy to miss one if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Action Tour Guide’s Central Park walking tour takes you up one side and down the other, so you don’t miss anything and so you don’t have to zig-zag your way across the park. Plan to carve out an excellent half-day to do the whole walking tour, and a full day if you plan to spend some time at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on the northeast side of the park or the Guggenheim just a few blocks up. The Central Park Zoo is a long-time favorite of young and old New Yorkers alike for science lovers or visitors with children. No matter what your plans for Central Park, it’s always a good idea to wear good walking shoes, dress for the weather, and bring plenty of water. Start your walking tour of Central Park today.
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