When it comes to alcohol, Aruba is not particularly strict. Sipping cocktails on the beach is an integral part of the Caribbean vacation experience, one that should be in any Aruba tour, and you’re certainly not going to run into many obstacles. However, you should know that littering is taken very seriously on the island, so make sure to clean up any empty bottles or cans when you finish, or you could be looking at a pretty hefty fine. Here’s everything you need to know about drinking in Aruba:
First things first, the drinking age in Aruba is 18. Even if you’re too young to drink in the United States, as long as you’re 18 or over, you can buy alcohol in Aruba. While bartenders on the island are known for being lax about checking IDs, we still can’t recommend underage drinking on your vacation since the consequences of being caught can be serious.

Another significant difference between drinking in Aruba and the US is the lack of open container laws. On the island, it’s perfectly legal to take your drink with you as you walk the streets or visit the beach, as long as you’re not too rowdy. Try not to drink too much, though, since the locals don’t really appreciate wasted tourists making a scene on the beach at night.
While most of the alcohol available in Aruba is imported from elsewhere, there are a few local products like Balashi Beer or Coecoei liquor that are well worth trying. If you want to bring some back as a souvenir, keep in mind that you can bring 2 liters of locally produced alcohol from Aruba to the US without paying duty taxes, or 1 liter of imported alcohol. Any other bottles will be subject to taxes.
To make the most of your next trip to Aruba, we recommend checking out our Aruba Oranjestad Blue Horses Self-Guided Driving Tour or signing up for Action+ to gain access to over 100 tours for a single yearly price.
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