The Freedom Trail is 2.5 miles long. This not-too-long, not-too-short distance makes Boston’s Freedom Trail a perfect day trip destination. You can find a map of the Freedom Trail online or at a tourist kiosk in Boston. The trail is marked by a red line made with brick or paint on the sidewalk. If you’re armed with a map and are keeping an eye on the trail markers, chances of getting turned around are slim to none. And if you do find yourself wandering off the beaten path, most Bostonians are happy to point you back to where you’d like to be.
The Freedom Trail Walking Tour winds through the heart of Boston, starting at the Boston Common park and ending at the Bunker Hill Monument. In the 2.5 miles of trails, you’ll experience museums, historical sites, parks, and more. Not to mention you can appreciate Boston’s unique architecture and culture as you walk through the city.

When is the best time of year to visit the Freedom Trail?
Most recommendations will tell travelers that the best time to do the Freedom Trail Walking Tour or visit Boston, in General, is about May to October. Boston is a port city located right on the Atlantic ocean, and winters here can be harsh. If you don’t mind the cold and come prepared with appropriate coats and layers, there is nothing to stop you from enjoying the Freedom Trail in the wintertime, maybe with a cup of hot chocolate in hand. However, it is most prevalent during the warm summer months and in the fall when the leaves change color at the parks, and a light breeze will keep you cool.
Can you drive the Freedom Trail instead of walking it?
The Freedom Trail was designed as a pedestrian trail through the heart of Boston, so technically, you cannot drive the Freedom trail as it cuts through public parks, side streets, and a few pedestrian-only areas. Boston’s roads are notoriously meandering and can be narrow, bumpy, and crowded with pedestrians, especially in the North End Neighborhood, so driving the Freedom Trail, while undoubtedly possible, is not the most advisable way of getting the most out of the trip. Your best bet is to take the Freedom Trail Walking Audio Tour.
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