Salem, Massachusetts, is open to the supernaturally curious all year round, but fall is an adorable time to visit. Here are a few reasons why:
The atmosphere
A chilly wind blows through the narrow streets the fall foliage seems to light the landscape on fire. Salem is a quintessential New England town, right down to the red and yellow leaves that scatter the ground like all-natural confetti. Bundle up in your favorite sweater for a walk down the cobblestone paths, then warm up in a local cafe with a mug of hot cocoa! Autumn is a great time to take the Salem Witch Trials tour.
This is when the town indeed leans into its spooky history. Everyone is in the Halloween spirit at this time of year, celebrating witches instead of accusing them. The town hosts “Haunted Happenings” in October, a month-long outdoor festival and market featuring all things spooky. For young kids, there’s trick-or-treating, costume contests, and the world’s cutest pet parade in honor of “Howl-o-ween”! Events continue all day, and some keep going after sunset. You can even take a candlelight ghost tour through the town cemetery if you dare!

Local legend has it that fall is when the ghostly activity is at its peak. That first cold wind of the season feels like a spirit passing through the body. When you visit on your Salem witch trials tour, be sure to check out some of the historic sites that preserve the history of the witch trials, like the 1692 Memorial, the Howard Street Cemetery, and the Old Witch Gaol.
While you’re in Salem, take an hour or two to listen to Action Tour Guide’s self-guided walking tour. You can listen to all of Salem’s haunting history on your device as you wander the old brick-and-cobblestone roads under the colorful trees and ancient houses. The stories of witch trials and ghosts are guaranteed to leave an impression.
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