The latest Spiderman movie features a young Peter Parker (AKA your friendly neighborhood Spider-man) hoping to get a new start in college. Parker’s dream school? MIT, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
But how do you get there? Spider-man can get a bird’s eye view –– and skip the Boston traffic –– by slinging webs far above the heads of the crowd. But for those of us WITHOUT radioactive spider DNA, navigation gets a little trickier.
Take a look at a map of Boston, and you’ll see what I mean. Unlike Peter Parker’s native New York City, arranged on an orderly grid, Boston is a jumble of non-parallel streets. It seems pretty random, but actually, this hodgepodge is a testament to Boston’s history.
In the early 1600s, Boston was composed of multiple smaller towns. Each one was arranged independently, with no regard for the layout of any other. Eventually, they all connected and converged into one major city, making the streets join together at wacky angles, like stitching a patchwork quilt made of irregularly-shaped pieces. When you look at the labyrinth of streets, you might start thinking you have No Way Home (no pun intended).
That’s why having a GPS tour guide is a must-have for your trip to Boston! An Action Tour Guide app will give you turn-by-turn directions through the city’s maze and provide you inside intel on history’s greatest superheroes. Filled with thrilling action and intense drama, The Freedom Trail walking tour is designed to take you on a journey through all the most incredible moments of the American Revolution.
While you walk along the brick-paved road of the Freedom Trail, your narrator brings some of history’s most sensational moments to life. Learn about how a snowball fight ended with five men dead in The Boston Massacre and how a secret society of propagandists called The Loyall Nine incited the Stamp Act Riots. Trust me; dozens of shocking moments have your jaw on the floor!
Along the Harbor Walk route, you’ll find the Old South Meeting Hall, where over 5000 citizens of Massachusetts gathered to enact the most convincing demonstration in US history: the Boston Tea Party. You can picture exactly how the scene played out on a chilly night in December 1763, protestors march from the meeting house to Griffons Wharf, where a British ship of imported tea waits at the dock. In a pivotal moment, the protestors work together to dump 92,000 pounds of tea into the harbor. The rejection of British imperialism was heard loud and clear and acted as an exciting prequel to the upcoming Revolutionary War.
Afterward, stop by the home of Paul Revere, a well-respected Bostonian metalsmith and super-secret spy. You see, Revere was Tony Stark’s level of wealth from his successful business, so he had no reason to rebel like the heavily-taxed colonists. The British believed they could trust Revere. Little did they know, the story would end with a stunning plot twist. No spoilers, but let’s say that when Revere finally got his hands on top-secret information, he made his allegiance known!
Along with Revere, you’ll meet other heroes like Crispus Attucks, the first African-American to give his life on behalf of the United States, and Patrick Henry, with his endlessly quotable line, “Give me liberty, or give me death!”
Peter Parker and his friends were right –– Boston is pretty wicked! Though you may not see any superheroes leaping across the rooftops, you’ll learn a ton about the real-life heroes that made the country what it is today. Download the Boston tour bundle now to access all these stories and many more! Get your 10% coupon code from here.